© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Houlletia odoratissima ‘Huntington's Galore’ AM/AOS 80 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
6.1 cm |
Vertical: |
7.5 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
1.8 cm |
Length: |
5.2 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.0 cm |
Length: |
3.9 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
5.0 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
1.5 cm |
Length: |
4.1 cm |
Description: Eight flowers with a decurved orientation on one upright inflorescence; sepals and petals mahogany-red; hypochile cream overlaid light yellow basally, mesochile cream overlaid pale yellow basally, basal reverse overlaid mahogany-red, epichile cream, column cream overlaid light yellow distally, anther cap yellow; substance firm; texture waxy.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Stanhopea haseloffiana ‘Huntington's Masterpiece’ HCC/AOS 77 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
11.5 cm |
Vertical: |
14.2 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
4.2 cm |
Length: |
9.3 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
3.2 cm |
Length: |
7.9 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
6.4 cm |
Length: |
9.7 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.7 cm |
Length: |
8.6 cm |
Description: Twelve flowers on two pendant inflorescences and three immature pendant inflorescences; sepal yellow-cream, central two-thirds lightly scattered with irregular burgundy spots; petals entirely recurved, yellow-cream densely spotted burgundy; lip cream, densely spotted burgundy; column light yellow overlaid light green centrally, bright yellow distally, proximal three-fourths spotted burgundy, anther cap cream; substance medium; texture matte, lip glossy.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Stanhopea platyceras ‘Huntington's Pterodactyl’ AM/AOS 87 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
18.5 cm |
Vertical: |
15.7 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
3.4 cm |
Length: |
10.4 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
2.7 cm |
Length: |
8.6 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
5.6 cm |
Length: |
10.9 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.7 cm |
Length: |
9.4 cm |
Description: Two very large, flat flowers and one bud on two pendant inflorescences; sepals and petals pale yellow, spotted burgundy; lip pale yellow spotted burgundy, mesochile heavily spotted dark burgundy; substance medium; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum tigrinum ‘Huntington's Tiger’ HCC/AOS 76 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
12.4 cm |
Vertical: |
7.2 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
4.1 cm |
Length: |
4.4 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
2.4 cm |
Length: |
7.0 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
2.5 cm |
Length: |
4.3 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.2 cm |
Length: |
5.6 cm |
Description: Two flowers and one bud on three strong, up to 21.2-CM, erect inflorescences; dorsal sepal rich yellow-green, two large dark purple blotches proximally, several small dark purple blotches distally; synsepal yellow-green blotched dark purple proximally; petals yellow-green, dark purple stripes and blotches proximally; pouch dark yellow-green overlaid brown-purple on front near rim; staminode pale yellow overlaid re-brown centrally; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Phalaenopsis Purple Martin ‘Sapphires Pride’ AM/AOS 80 pts.
(Phal. Kenneth Schubert x Phal. violacea)
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
4.2 cm |
Vertical: |
3.9 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
1.3 cm |
Length: |
2.1 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.2 cm |
Length: |
1.9 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
1.4 cm |
Length: |
2.5 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
0.8 cm |
Length: |
2.2 cm |
Description: Three exceedingly flat flowers and seven buds on two upright inflorescence and one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals dark blue-violet, lighter basally; lip white, side lobes blushed blue-violet proximally, centrally contrasting bright gold-yellow, apex overlaid dark blue-violet, midlobe brushed blue-violet proximally, overlaid extremely dark purple on distal three-fourths; column white brushed light blue-violet, anther cap cream; substance very firm, texture finely crystalline.
Exhibitor: Robert Shepherd |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum ‘Huntington's King’ AM/AOS 81 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
26.2 cm |
Vertical: |
14.4 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
5.2 cm |
Length: |
6.9 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
1.4 cm |
Length: |
14.5 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
4.4 cm |
Length: |
6.8 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
2.4 cm |
Length: |
5.9 cm |
Description: Four flowers and two buds beautifully presented on one 52.3-cm upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal cream broadly veined red-brown; synsepal light yellow-green veined red-brown; petals yellow-green veined red-brown, proximally spotted red-brown along veins, margins hirsute; pouch yellow-green overlaid red-brown, darker red-brown distally; staminode yellow-green, margins red-brown, surface hirsute, white; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |

© Arthur Pinkers 2015 |
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum delenatii ‘Huntington's Cotton Candy’ HCC/AOS 77 pts.
Natural Spread |
Horizontal: |
8.7 cm |
Vertical: |
8.2 cm |
Dorsal Sepal |
Width: |
3.0 cm |
Length: |
3.9 cm |
Petal |
Width: |
5.0 cm |
Length: |
4.6 cm |
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): |
Width: |
3.7 cm |
Length: |
3.5 cm |
Lip (Pouch): |
Width: |
3.0 cm |
Length: |
3.6 cm |
Description: One flower on one upright 20.0-cm inflorescence; sepals white blushed light pink, reverse overlaid with fine dusty rose pink spots; petals white blushed light pink; pouch white overlaid dusty rose pink; staminode white, centrally bright yellow, two dark rose-pink blotches along boarder of yellow center, margin brushed rose pink; substance moderately firm; texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: Huntington Botanical Gardens |